Two Kingdom Observations

October 7, 2010

No Bible text today.  But this morning I am struck with two simple Kingdom truths:

1. Recently, I’ve found myself again wondering, “Where is the meaning in this life?”  This morning, prompted awake good and early, I was able to engage in some prolonged, profound prayer.  I was suddenly made aware: questions of meaning evaporate at the foot of God’s throne.

2. This morning I wrote an email of encouragement to a friend seeking God’s direction in ministry.  In writing, it just spilled out of me: “Amazing isn’t it, that the best for God’s kingdom and the best for our lives can never be in conflict?

Lord, establish these truths in my heart.  Thank you that in your nearness the world makes sense.  May I live confident and full of faith in Your goodness to me and through me.  Amen.