Brought to Glory

April 18, 2013

“For it was fitting that he, for whom and by whom all things exist, in bringing many sons to glory, should make the founder of their salvation perfect through suffering.”  (Heb 2:10, ESV)

There are a number of dire warnings in Hebrews.  Somehow though, this almost passing remark about being brought to glory frees me to respond rightly to God.  

In this verse I am reminded that my salvation is not about managing sin, not about escaping Hell, not even about “bringing the Kingdom” and accomplishing great feats of social justice. It is, instead, about becoming glorious.

There is a part of me that longs for greatness.  But the insecure, sinful and proud part of me can’t help but compare myself to others according to some artificial, materialistic scale.  This is paralyzing, useless and wrong.

Amazingly, God too longs for my greatness.  Actually, it is more than greatness: it is glory; the glory belonging to the one by whom and for whom everything exists.  Surely that scale is more important to succeed at than any scale of materialism or influence.

And, thank you Jesus, the work of climbing that glory scale has been done for me; by your very expensive suffering.  This frees me from the worry of working towards that glory.  Instead, I can just get on with the business of exploring a glorious life.  And that, I expect, brings great pleasure to my Father.