Sacred Access

June 24, 2010

Explicitly or indirectly, Ephesians is filled with the ‘unsearchable riches of Christ.’   They are so packed in there that it is easy to gloss over these promises.  Worse yet, my familliarity to the story and the Western culture in which I swim often leave me oblivious to the shocking realities exposed in the text.

Both Ephesians 2:18 and 3:12 speak of the access we have to the Father through Jesus.  How many times have I read this, affirming numbly, ‘Yes this is good and true.’  But wait.  If only through Jesus do we have access to the Father, then without Christ, we have no access.  And maybe the ability to approach God is actually a big deal.

How many cultures would have their people shudder in fear at the very thought of entering the creator God’s throne room?  How many people fearfully think they’ve got to get their act together before they can even consider prayer?  Without Jesus, these are indeed legitimate fears.

As much as I love to give and help out people, it is concerning when someone gets a sense of entitlement.  If I had infinite resources, it would be no trouble and maybe even a joy to supply the needs of the homeless.  But as I have seen in some street people, their lifestyle leads to a sense of entitlement and lack of gratitude.

Paul speaks of the confidence and the boldness with which we have access to God through Christ.  But, is it possible that my lifestyle has led to an attitude of an access with presumption to God?  Could my culture’s insistence of individual self-expression lead me to a sense of entitlement that God actually hear me …just because I have the right to be heard?

Could be.

The ironic thing is that this access with presumption and entitlement is really no access at all.  I can endlessly give to someone in need but for a lack of gratitude on their part never enter into true relationship with them.  Likewise, true relationship with God is impossible without humility and gratitude on my part; recognizing that but for Christ Jesus, access to God would be unthinkable.

“The friendship of the Lord is for those who fear him…” Psalm 25:14